Monday, December 27, 2021



Exporting worksheet data

A customer has asked for a price list that they can load into their proprietary system. They have asked you to provide comma-separated values as it is the most compatible with their process. You need to export the price list as a CSV file.

1. Click on the link below to open the Microsoft Excel exercise document you can use to complete this exercise.

2. Before we begin the export, take note of some of the elements of the workbook. Click to select cell C4, and observe the formula used to calculate the price. Also note the formatting of the cells. Some have colored text, colored fill, or bold type. There is also a second worksheet, called Percentages:

Excel workbook open, Cell C4 the formula appears in the formula bar and the Percentages worksheet is visible

3. To export the file, Click File → Export:

File pane open, Export option selected

4. In the Export window, click to select Change File Type, then click to select CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) from the Change File Type category. Finally click Save As:

Export window open, Change File Type CSV category was chosen, Save As option selected

5. Choose a location for your file, leave the File Name as Activity 6-1.csv, and click the Save button:

Save as window open, File Name filed typed Activity 6-1.csv and Save option selected

6. Note the alert regarding multiple sheets, then click OK:

Microsoft Excel window alert open, regarding the multiple sheets, ok option selected

7. The open workbook is now called Activity 6-1.csv, but you will note that the formatting and formulas are still visible, and the Percentages worksheet is still visible. You can now close the file:

Excel window open, called Activity 6-1, the formulas still visible in the formula bar and Percentages file, close selected

8. If necessary, open Excel 365, then click File → Open and navigate to the Activity 6-1.csv file you just saved. Click on the file to open it:

File selected, Open option selected, Activity 6-1.cvs file chosen, open option selected

9. You will now see that the formatting has been removed, the formulas are replaced with values, and the Percentages worksheet has been removed:

Workbook window open, the formulas was removed and the worksheet Percentages was removed too

10. You can now save your changes as Activity 6-1 Complete.csv and close Microsoft Excel 365 to complete the activity.

11. Now, you can check out an example of a completed document in the link below:

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