Sunday, December 26, 2021

TEACHING EXCEL FOR DATA ANALYSIS: HANDS ON 17 Analyzing data using logical functions


Analyzing data using logical functions

1. Click on the link below to open the Microsoft Excel exercise document you can use to complete this exercise.

2. First you need to fill in the ID column. This data is the first name and last name separated by an underscore (_). While you can do this manually, the TEXTJOIN function is built for exactly this type of work. Select cell C5, then, in the Formula Bar, type “=TEXTJOIN(“_”,TRUE,A5,B5)”

Excel workbook open, Cell C5 selected, "typed TEXTJOIN("_",TRUE,A5<B5)" in the Formula Bar

3. Press Enter, to enter the formula, then select cell C5 again, hover your cursor over the cell handle until your cursor icon turns into a small black cross:

Excel workbook open, Enter key clicked, Cell C5 selected, cursor was hovered over the cell, a small icon black cross appeared

4. Double click on the cell handle to automatically copy your formula down the column, to cell C14:

Excel workbook open, Double click on the cell hande, automatically the formula was copied down to the column to cell C14

5. Next, you need to determine which salespeople are going to receive a bonus. Bonuses are dispensed when the representative exceeds their weekly sales goal, and if their call reports are complete. For this purpose, you can use the AND function. Use your cursor to select cells G5 on the worksheet:

Excel workbook open, Cell G5 selected

6. Inside the Formula Bar, type “=AND(D5="Yes",E5>F5)” and then press Enter:

Excel workbook open, Fomula "=AND(D5="Yes",E5>F5)" typed in Formula Bar, Enter Key clicked

7. Because both logical tests are true, the formula returns the value of TRUE in cell G5. Now drag the AutoFill handle at the bottom right of the cell down to cell G14:

Excel workbook open, in the G5 Cell appeared the word "True", The AutoFill handle dragged until down to Cell G14

8. All sales representatives who have met both conditions now show a value of TRUE in this column. To add the bonus amount to column H, first select cells H5 through H14:

Excel workbook open, Cell H5 through H14 selected

9. Inside the Formula Bar, type “=IF(G5:G14=TRUE,K2, 0)”. Because this is an array function, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter:

Excel workbook open, Formula "=IF(G5:G14=TRUE,K2,0)", Ctrl plus Shift plus Enter commands clicked

10. The bonus information has now been calculated for all employees in this worksheet:

Excel workbook open, the bonus information was calculated in the document

11. Save the current workbook as Activity 2-2 Complete and then close Microsoft 365 Excel to complete this exercise.

12. Now, you can check out an example of a completed document in the link below:

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